
Our mission is to lead people from the busyness of life to deep rest in Jesus.


  • We believe the Gospel makes a meaningful impact in the ordinariness of our everyday lives. Jesus transforms not just the world to come, but the world in which we live in now. Therefore, we want everything we do at church to help us see the powerful relevance of the Gospel everyday.

  • One of our greatest fears is to feel exposed and rejected. At Penshurst, we seek to create a community where everyone is deeply known and dearly loved. We see a church where people feel safe in sharing the things that matter most to them, and as they do, experience a community that will embrace them and offer Christ’s love to them.

  • At Penshurst, we expect people to encounter God and be transformed by Him. As the Gospel takes root in people’s lives, we expect that God will lead them away from patterns of sinful living and renew them to live in faith, purity, forgiveness, generosity and love for one another.

  • The Gospel leads us to costly and sacrificial service of God and others. As people step out in faith in service to the church and the world, we see Penshurst as a place where people are constantly nourished in order to do that. We want Penshurst to be a community that constantly seeks to invest, equip and support our members as they pour themselves out for the Gospel.